Open House 2013

Each year, we invite our friends and colleagues to join us for two hours of enlightening talks, hands-on demos, snacks, and drinks. We work hard to make our Open House a fun and educational soirée where guests are free to roam about, explore our visualizations, and of course ask questions! We'd like to thank all who joined us for this year's Open House, and to all who presented their work. We enjoyed spending time with you all, and sharing the work we've been doing over the past year and the ideas that will guide our future endeavors.
Click the image on the right to see the 2013 invitation, which contains more pictures and information about the year's visualizations, publications, tools, and Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibits.
Click here to see some photos from this year's Open House.
Book Chapters
- Börner, Katy. Plug-and-Play Macroscopes: Network Workbench (NWB), Science of Science Tool (Sci2), and Epidemiology Tool (Epic). Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (ESNAM). Springer Verlag.
Journal Articles
- Skupin, André, Joseph R. Biberstine, and Katy Börner. 2013. “Visualizing the Topical Structure of the Medical Sciences: A Self-Organizing Map Approach”. PLoS ONE 8 (3): e58779.
- Chen, Yunwei, Katy Börner, and Shu Fang. 2013. “Evolving Collaboration Networks in Scientometrics in 1978-2010: A Micro-Macro Analysis”. Scientometrics 95 (3): 1051-1070.
- Mazloumian, Amin, Dirk Helbing, Sergi Lozano, Robert Light, and Katy Börner. 2013. “Global Multi-Level Analysis of the ‘Scientific Food Web’”. Scientific Reports 3, 1167; DOI:10.1038/srep01167.
- Bollen, Johan, David Crandall, Damion Junk, Ying Ding, and Katy Börner. 2013. “Collective allocation of science funding: from funding agencies to scientific agency”. deadlink.html?
Conference Proceedings
- Light, Robert, Ted Polley, and Katy Börner. 2013. “Open Data and Open Code for Big Science of Science Studies”. Proceedings of ISSI 2013 2: 1342-1356.
- Reijnhoudt, Linda, Rodrigo Costas, Ed Noyons, Katy Börner, and Andrea Scharnhorst. 2013. “‘Seed+Expand’: A validated methodology for creating high quality publication oeuvres of individual researchers”. Proceedings of ISSI 2013 2: 1587-1600.
- Light, Robert, Chin Hua Kong, and Katy Börner. 2013. “An Automated System for Tracking the Growth of Expert Profiling Systems”. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL).
- Murdock, Jaimie, Robert Light, Colin Allen, and Katy Börner. “Mapping the Intersection of Science & Philosophy”. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL).
Ph.D. Theses
- Cottam, Joseph. 2012. “Design and Implementation of a Stream-Based Visualization Language”. Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science: Andrew Lumsdaine (Chair), Amr Sabry, Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington and Chris Weaver, University of Oklahoma.
- Plug-and-Play Macroscope Workshop. November 5-6, 2013. Bloomington, IN.
- Science Mapping Standards Workshop. November 4-5, 2013. Bloomington, IN.
- Standards for Science Mapping and Classifications. July 15, 2013. Vienna, Austria
- JSMF Workshop on Exploiting Big Data Semantics for Translational Medicine. March 25-26, 2013. Bloomington, IN.
- JSMF Workshop on Plug-and-Play Macroscopes. November 16-17, 2012. Bloomington, IN.
Sci2 Tutorials
- VIVO Data and Visualizations. St. Louis, MO. Presenters: Chin Hua Kong and Robert Light. Wednesday, August 14, 2013.
- Sci2: A Tool for Science of Science Research and Practice Workshop. Vienna, Austria. Presenter: Katy Börner. July 15, 2013.
- Sci2: A Tool for Science of Science Research and Practice Workshop. Evanston, IL. Presenters: Katy Börner and Monika Herzig. June 27, 2013.
- Visualizing Networks with the Science of Science (Sci2) Tool. Bloomington, IN. Presenter: Ted Polley. June 27, 2013.
- Hierarchical Networks using Sci2 and OSLOM. Bloomington, IN. Presenter: Ted Polley. February 18, 2013.
- Topical Analysis and Visualization of (Network) Data Using Sci2. Bloomington, IN. Presenter: Ted Polley. February 4, 2013.
- Sci2: A Tool for Science of Science Research and Practice Tutorial. Tokyo, Japan. Presenter: Katy Börner. December 14, 2012.

Cyberinfrastructure Shell (CIShell)
CIShell integration partner


Network Workbench (NWB)

Science of Science Cyberinfrastructure and Sci2 Tool

Scholarly Database (SDB)

Epidemics Cyberinfrastructure (EpiC)


National Gene Vector Biorepository
Humanexus: Knowledge and Communication through the Ages is the product of a close collaboration between animator Ying-Fang Shen, Katy Börner, and composer and sound designer Norbert Herber, a senior lecturer in Indiana University’s Department of Telecommunications. The film tracks the evolution of human communication from cave scrawls to Twitter feeds, offering a unique depiction of the ever-accelerating spread of information and communication over the course of human history.
Buzz about the film and recognition for Shen has built rapidly over the past year. Recently, Humanexus was named an Official Selection of the 2013 Guam Film Festival, scheduled to take place September 24th through the 29th. This honor comes on the heels of the film’s nomination to the “Best Animation” category in the 2013 Taipei Film Festival. As an added bonus, the latter festival brought Shen’s work back to the artist’s own place of birth, as Humanexus received screenings in venues throughout Taipei during the festival’s three-week run. Then, in early August, the film was chosen for an Artistic Vision Award by the International Film Awards Berlin. It has also received an Award of Excellence from the Best Shorts Competition in La Jolla, California, and was named an Official Selection in New York’s Bootleg Film Festival and the Balinale International Film Festival. Such accolades serve as testimony to both the relevance of the film’s message and the artistic vision through which Shen conveys that message.
You can watch the trailer for Humanexus here and learn more about the production at the film’s official website.

- Jan 1, 2013 – June 1, 2013 - National Academy of Sciences, Upstairs Gallery, Washington, D.C.
- Oct 9, 2012 – July 1, 2013 - Mundaneum Museum, Mons, Belgium.
- Sept 16, 2012 – Present - Illuminated Diagram Display at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
- Feb 9, 2006 – Present - National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
CNS launched its first Information Visualization MOOC in January 2013, attracting participants from more than 100 countries. The course provides an overview about the state of the art in information visualization. It teaches the process of producing effective visualizations that take the needs of users into account.
Anyone interested in generating temporal, geospatial, topical or network analyses and visualizations from either personal or professional data would benefit from the course.
The homepage for the Information Visualization MOOC offers an introductory video, a course schedule, biographies of Börner and the other instructors, and a registration link. Everybody who registers gains free access to the Scholarly Database (26 million paper, patent and grant records) and the Sci2 Tool (100-plus algorithms and tools).
It is one of the first MOOCs offered by IU and the first to offer an opportunity for students to work in teams with actual clients like researchers interested in understanding data patterns and trends, government agencies developing visual interfaces for data holdings, industry representatives looking to maximize return on investment, medical doctors seeking cures, and not-for-profit organizations hoping to communicate impacts and achievements.
Due to the success of the course, it will return in January 2014.
AcademyScope is the product of a collaboration between the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, and the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. It offers viewers a means to explore all reports published by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council—from twenty years ago to today.
TEDxBloomington Map of Registrations
Shown here are all TEDxBloomington attendees who registered by March 8, 2013 together with the subjects they like 313 subject nodes in colors. People are linked via popular topics. The resulting bi-modal network has 508 nodes connected by 553 edges. It is dominated by the “Technology” (listed 33 times), “Education” (21), “Art” (13), “Design” (12), “Health” (11) nodes. Sizes of subject nodes and labels correspond to the number of attendees who listed them. The densely connect core of the network, also called giant component, is surrounded by smaller networks. For a long time, only one person wanted to talk about “Beer” and this was the only subject he wanted to talk about (top center). Only recently, another registration interconnected “Beer” with “Startups” and from there to other people and subjects in the network. Portraits of the speakers from this year’s conference are placed by their subjects of interest. A listing of all subjects and their counts is given in the lower left.
- SEAD Sustainable Environment Through Actionable Data. NSF OCI-0940824 DataNet award (Margaret Hedstrom, Myron P. Gutmann, Praveen Kumar, Jim Myers, and Beth Plale, $188,432) 2011.10.01 - 2016.09.30.
- Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Tools for Fostering an Innovative S&T Workforce. NIH U01 GM098959-01 Award (Katy Börner, and James P. Crutchfield, $746,758) 2011.09.01 - 2015.08.31.
- Pathways: Sense-Making of Big Data. NSF ISE DRL-1223698 Award (Katy Börner, Adam V. Maltese, Joe E. Heimlich, Stephen Miles Uzzo, Paul Martin, and Sasha Palmquist, $250,000) 2012.07.01 - 2014.06.30.
- Informatics Infrastructure for Vector-Based Neuroanatomical Atlases. NIH 5R01MH079068-02 award (Gully APC Burns, Richard Thompson, Larry Swanson, David Newman, Seth Ruffins, and Katy Börner, $250,000) 2009.06.01 - 2014.01.31.
- Mapping the Emergence and Development of Scientific Disciplines. James S. McDonnell Foundation grant in area 21st Century Science-Special Initiative/Studying Complex Systems (Katy Börner, $364,787) 2009.01.01 - 2014.01.01.
- Digging by Debating: Linking Massive Datasets to Specific Arguments. Digging Into Data - NSF, NEH, JISC Award (Colin Allen, Katy Börner, Chris Reed, Andrew Ravenscroft, and David Bourget, $62,500) 2012.04.01 - 2014.01.31.
- Increasing SBIR Commercial Success: Actively Embedding SBIR/STTR Commercialization Processes into Indiana’s Innovation Network. Indiana Economic Development Corporation IEDC FAST-10-R-0004 award. IEDC’s Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund (Aditya P. Mathur, and Katy Börner, $71,776) 2012.01.01 - 2013.12.31.
- Scaling Philanthropy: Providing New Insight About Million Dollar Gifts. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Una O Osili, Patrick Rooney, and Katy Börner, $147,790) 2010.08.01 - 2013.09.30.
- A Journal-Driven Bibliography of Digital Humanities. NEH Award Subcontract to Brown University (Katy Börner, $15,000) 2011.01.01 - 2013.06.30.
- MOOC Extension in Support of Student-Client Projects. Google Inc. (Katy Börner, $50,000) 2013.01.01.
- Innovation in an Aging Society. Econ P01 NBER/NIH (Bruce Weinberg, Gerald Marschke, and Katy Börner, $650,000) 2013.09.01 - 2018.08.31.
- Army Research Lab: Introducing the Science of Science (Sci2) Tool
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK: Introducing the Science of Science (Sci2) Tool, Topic Modeling, Data Visualization
- Cummins, Inc.: Mobile App Development
- Fundação de Apoio á Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil: Analysis and Visualization of SciELO Data
- National Academy of Sciences: AcademyScope Visual Interface to NAP Reports
- TD Ameritrade: Introducing the Science of Science (Sci2) Tool