Open House

Each year, we invite our friends, colleagues and invited to join us
for two hours of enlightening talks, hands-on demos, snacks and
drinks! We work hard to make our Open House a fun and educational
soirée. Guests are free to roam about, explore our visualizations,
enjoy snacks and drinks, and of course ask questions!
Click the image on the right to see the 2012 invitation,
which contains more pictures and information about the year's
visualizations, publications, tools, and Places & Spaces Mapping
Science exhibits.
Details about our 2013 Open House will be available in the
fall. If you can't make it to the Open House in person, you will be
able to connect live via Adobe Connect or Skype.

Michael D. Conover
The Communication Geography of Occupy Wall Street

Angela Zoss
Relation between Disciplinary Background and Interpretation of Network Visualizations

Peter Hook
Changes in the Law School Course Canon
Edited Books
- Scharnhorst, Andrea, Katy Börner, and Peter van den Besselaar, eds. 2012. Models of Science Dynamics: Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Science. Springer Verlag.
- Börner, Katy, Mike Conlon, Jon Corson-Rikert, and Ying Ding, eds. 2012. VIVO: A Semantic Approach to Scholarly Networking and Discovery. Morgan & Claypool Publishers LLC.
Special Journal Issue
- Börner, Katy, Wolfgang Glänzel, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Peter van den Besselaar, eds. 2011. “Modeling science: Studying the structure and dynamics of science.” Scientometrics 89 (1): 346-463.
Journal Papers, Conference Papers & Book Chapters
- Börner, Katy, Richard Klavans, Michael Patek, Angela Zoss, Joseph R. Biberstine, Robert Light, Vincent Larivière, and Kevin W. Boyack. 2012. “Design and Update of a Classification System: The UCSD Map of Science.” PLoS One 7 (7): e39464.
- Börner, Katy. 2012. “Picturing Science”. Nature 487: 430-431.
- Alencar, Aretha Barbosa, Fernando Viera Paulovich, Katy Börner, and Maria Christina Ferreira de Oliveira. 2012. “Time-Aware Visualization of Document Collections.” ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 1111-1118.
- Tank, Chintan, Micah Linnemeier, Chin Hua Kong, and Katy Börner. 2012. “Analyzing and Visualizing VIVO”. In VIVO: A Semantic Approach to Scholarly Networking and Discovery, Ch. 7. Morgan & Claypool Publishers LLC.
- Milojevic, Stasa, Katy Börner, Steven Morris, and Kevin W. Boyack. 2012. “An Introduction to Modeling Science: Basic Model Types, Key Definitions, and a General Framework for the Comparison of Process Models.” In Models of Science Dynamics: Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Sciences, Ch. 1. Springer Verlag.
- Börner, Katy. 2011. “Network Science: Theory, Tools and Practice." In William Sims Bainbridge, Ed. Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Stamper, Michael, Chin Hua Kong, Nianli Ma, Angela Zoss, and Katy Börner. 2011. “MAPSustain: Visualising biomass and biofuel research." Michael Hohl, Ed. Proceedings of Making visible the invisible: Art, design and science in data visualization, University of Huddersfield, UK 57-61.
- Chen, Yunwei, Shu Fang, and Katy Börner. 2011. “Mapping the development of scientometrics: 2002 to 2008." Journal of Library Science in China 3: 131-146.
- Guo, Hanning, Scott B. Weingart, and Katy Börner. 2011. “Mixed-indicators model for identifying emerging research areas” Scientometrics 89 (1): 421-435.
- Kowalczyk, Stacy. 2011. “e-Science Data Environments: A View from the Lab Floor." Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science: Katy Börner (Chair), Debora Shaw, Alan Dennis, Stasa Milojevic, Beth Plale. Indiana University, Bloomington.
- JSMF Workshop on Artists Envision Science & Technology. Washington, DC. Organizers: Katy Börner and JD Talasek. October 17-18, 2011.
- JSMF Workshop on Science Maps in Education. Bloomington, Indiana. Organizer: Katy Börner. November 17-18, 2011.
- Third Annual VIVO Conference. Miami, FL. Organizers: VIVO Consortium. August 22-24, 2012.
- Sep 30, 2011 - Jan 24, 2012 - University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.
- Feb 1 2012 - Mar 30 2012 - Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.
- June 27 2012 - July 8 2012 - Illuminated Diagram Display at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington, D.C.
- Sept 16, 2012 - Present - Illuminated Diagram Display at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
- Sept 30 - Dec 15, 2012 - National Academy of Sciences, Keck Center Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Visit the Places & Spaces website for more information and join us at the official Places & Spaces Facebook page for more exciting scimaps and fun!
NARCIS: Network of Experts and Knowledge Organizations in the Netherlands, for Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), by Linda Reijnhoudt, Michael J. Stamper, Katy Börner, Chris Baars, and Andrea Scharnhorst.

Mendeley's Evolving Network of Expertise and Knowledge, 2011 Mendeley Binary Battle, by Chin Hua Kong, Katy Börner, and Michael J. Stamper.

- Modeling the Structure and Evolution of Scholarly Knowledge. James S. McDonnell Foundation grant in area Studying Complex Systems (Katy Börner & Robert L. Goldstone, $361,956) 2009.01.01 - 2014.12.31.
- EpiC: A Cyberinfrastructure That Supports the Plug-and-Play of Datasets and Algorithms Needed for the Study and Analysis of Epidemic Processes. NIH R21DA024259 award (Steven J. Sherman, Alessandro Vespignani, Katy Börner, $315,803 of $1,193,761) 2007.09.01 - 2013.03.31.
- TLS: Towards a Macroscope for Science Policy Decision Making. NSF SBE-0738111 award (Katy Börner, Weixia Huang, Kevin Boyack, $404,870) 2008.01.01 - 2011.12.31.
- Mapping the Emergence and Development of Scientific Disciplines. James S. McDonnell Foundation grant in area 21st Century Science-Special Initiative/Studying Complex Systems (Katy Börner, $364,787) 2009.01.01 - 2014.01.01.
- Informatics Infrastructure for Vector-Based Neuroanatomical Atlases. NIH 5R01MH079068-02 award (Gully APC Burns, ISI/University of Southern California PD/PI, Richard Thompson, University of Southern California Co-PD/PI, Larry Swanson, University of Southern California, David Newman, University of California Irvine, Seth Ruffins, UCLA, Katy Börner, Indiana University, $249,465 of $1,629,141) 2009.06.01 - 2014.01.31.
- The National Research Network: VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists. NIH U24RR029822 award (Michael Conlon, UF, Jon Corson-Rikert, Cornell University, Katy Börner, Indiana University, $958,608 of $12,300,000) 2009.09.01 - 2011.08.31.
- Faculty mentor for Mapping the International Evolution of Collaboration Networks on Patents Granted to Universities around the World. NSF SES-0925915 award (Margaret Clements, $239,642) 2009.09.01 - 2012.08.31.
- Sourcing the Experts: Distributed Social Networks for Privacy-Aware Knowledge Sharing. 2010 CACR Internal Research Grant (Apu Kapadia, Katy Börner, Johan Bollen, Filippo Menczer, $19,998 of $50,000) 2010.07.01 - 2013.10.31.
- Scaling Philanthropy: Providing New Insight About Million Dollar Gifts. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Award (Patrick Rooney, Una O. Osili, $55,035 of $753,474) 2010.08.01 - 2013.07.31.
- A Journal-Driven Bibliography of Digital Humanities. NEH Award (Subcontract to Brown University, $9,740) 2011.01.01 - 2013.06.30.
- Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Tools for Fostering an Innovative S&T Workforce. NIH U01 award (Katy Börner, Indiana University, & James P. Crutchfield, UC Davis, $756,346 of $1,113,400) 2011.09.15 - 2015.08.15.
- Digging by Debating: Linking Massive Datasets to Specific Arguments: Digging Into Data. NEH Award (Colin Allen and Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, NEH; Andrew Ravenscroft, University of East London, Chris Reed, University of Dundee, and David Bourget, University of London, AHRC/ESRC/JISC, $62,500 of $125,000) 2012.04.01 - 2013.06.30.
- Gene Therapy. NIH/CTSI Core Funding (Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, $10,500) 2011.09.01 - 2012.03.31.
- Introducing the Science of Science (Sci2) Tool to the BBSRC Policy Evidence Team. BBSRC Award (Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, $9,343) 2012.03.19 - 2012.09.18
- Platform for the Analysis and Visualization of Science Data. NIH/NETE Award (Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, $49,450) 2011.09.01 - 2012.03.31
- SEAD Sustainable Environment through Actionable Data. NSF DataNet (Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, $393,951 of $3,583,839) 2011.10.01 - 2013.09.30.
- Pathways: Sense-Making of Big Data. NSF Award (Katy Börner, Indiana University, Bloomington, $165,084 of $250,000) 2012.07.15 - 2014.06.30.