Current Team

Todd Theriault
Office: n/a
Phone: 812.856.7034
Fax: 812.855.6166
E-mail: ude.ui@uairehtt
BA, English, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
MA, English, Miami University of Ohio
Completed coursework and qualifying exams in PhD Program, English, Victorian Studies Minor, Indiana University
As a reader I enjoy the potential and the perversity, the beauty and the absurdity of language. Much of my intellectual and aesthetic life has been devoted to crafting with words or helping others to do the same. I have been lucky enough to teach classes on poetry, fiction, and creative writing to students at Miami University, University of Cincinnati, Xavier University, and Indiana University.
I like to goof off with my wife and son, share food and loud arguments with friends, and play the piano like I’m something more than an amateur. I have an unreasonable love for the music of The Replacements, the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, the films of Woody Allen, and the voice of Julia Child.