Katy Börner Presents "Maps & Macroscopes: Gaining Insights from BIG Data" at TEDxBloomington
| CNS News
TED is a nonprofit devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” It started
as a conference bringing together people from three worlds:
Technology, Entertainment, Design — and its scope has become ever
broader. TEDx (independently organized) events are “designed to
give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to
stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local
Dr. Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information
Science at the School of Library and Information Science, was one
of the featured speakers at TEDxBloomington’s “Ideas Worth
Spreading”. The event was held at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater on
March 22, 2013.
Dr. Börner’s research interests include information
visualization, data modeling and the development of
cyberinfrastructures to assist with extensive scientific
partnership and computation.
"Every morning, you jump out of bed and dive into a flood
of data," says Börner. "Friends might have text'ed you, your
Inbox at work is overflowing, news reports and stock market
updates are piling up. You are trying to swim with grace in this
stream of data, yet dealing with this much data and complexity is
tough. Plug-and-play macroscopes provide a vision of the whole,
help synthesize related elements, detect patterns, trends, and
outliers while granting access to myriad details. Using
macroscopes, anyone can navigate and manage massive streams of
data, make informed decisions, and even have fun with big data."
Video of Katy's talk will be available soon at tedxbloomington.org/2013.