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Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science, Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University

Katy Börner will present two papers, organize a workshop, and teach the Sci2 Tool at the International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) in Vienna, Austria from July 15-19.

The ISSI 2013 Conference will provide an international open forum for scientists, research managers, authorities and information professionals to debate the current status and advancements of informetric and scientometric theories and their deployment. In addition to the traditional evaluative focus, this conference will also discuss practical applications in related fields such as library and information science, history of science, philosophy of science, etc.

The conference is organized under the auspices of ISSI – the International Society for Informetrics and Scientometrics (www.issi-society.info).

More information about the conference can be found at: www.issi2013.org

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