Börner Appointed to U.S. Department of Commerce - Data Advisory Council
| SoIC News

Börner speaking to visitors at the opening of the Places & Spaces exhibit at the University of Miami, September 2014.
Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science, has been appointed to a two year term as a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Data Advisory Council. The confirmation letter received (February 2015) noted:
“Commerce’s Data Advisory Council will feature the best and brightest private and public sector thought leaders on data management and dissemination, to help guide our Department’s data revolution; to foster innovation, create jobs, and drive better decision-making throughout our economy and society. Members represent the entire spectrum of Commerce data including demographic, economic, scientific, environmental, patent, and geospatial data. Your participation in this Council is critical to our agency’s success and we greatly appreciate your willingness to serve.”
The mission of the Council was included on an announcement in the Federal Registrar on November 17, 2014 – and excerpt is included here: “The Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Economics and Statistics Administration, announces the establishment of the Commerce Data Advisory Council (CDAC) by the Secretary, Department of Commerce. The CDAC will provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary on ways to make Commerce data easier to find, access, use, combine, and disseminate, and on other such matters as the Secretary determines."