Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Sustainability Science
December 1, 2010
Meeting Place:
AAAS Headquarters
Revelle Room (Second Floor)
1200 New York Avenue NW, Room 703
Washington, DC 20005

Katy Börner
Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington;
Director, Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center; Curator, Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit,
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Luis M. A. Bettencourt
Research Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Workshop Goals & Agenda:
This workshop brings together sustainability science researchers, academic organizations, and agencies with initiatives in the field as well as data modeling, and visualization experts to discuss the development and structure in sustainability science research. Results from an NSF funded large-scale analysis of sustainability research will be presented that map the field in terms of its time evolution, geographic distribution, and disciplinary reach. We will also discuss current research trends and agency initiatives, disciplinary integration, education and policy connections.
Given the diverse backgrounds of the participants and the goals of the workshop, we will start the workshop with brief self-introductions, followed by two 30 min talks that set the stage for the workshop. The remaining of the workshop comprises of brief presentations and brainstorming and discussion sessions. Both days of this event (Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st) conclude with a working-dinner that includes discussion groups covering challenges and opportunities for the field and its many components – from policy to education and research.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
7:00pm | Dinner at the Marriot Fire and Sage restaurant 775 12th Street Northwest Washington D.C., 20001 (202) 661-8925 Directions |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
9:00am | Welcome on Behalf of AAAS (Al Teich) |
9:05am | Workshop Overview by Organizers (Luas M. A. Bettencourt and Katy Katy Börner) slides |
9:15am | Introductions by Participants (3 mins. per person/organization) |
10:15am | Break |
10:30am | Analyzing and Mapping Sustainability Research" Talks (30 mins. each) |
11:30am | Sustainability Science Academic Programs (20 min each) |
12:30pm |
Discussion |
1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:30pm |
"Supporting Sustainability Research" & Talks (20 min each) |
2:30pm |
"Publishing Sustainability Research" & Talks (15 min each) |
3:00pm |
Discussion |
3:30pm |
Break |
3:45pm |
Best Ideas - Identify the most promising next steps & Katy Katy Börner |
4:45pm |
General Discussion: Sustainability Science: Quo vadis? – LuÃs M. A. Bettencourt Growth, disciplinary integration, education and policy connections |
5:30pm |
Adjourn |
6:30pm |
Dinner at Againn restaurant |
Participants Attending:

Nikoosh Carlo
AAAS Science Policy fellow NSF

William C. Clark
Professor, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Member of the Editorial Board, PNAS
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Ingo Günther
Artist, NYC

Bruce Hamilton
Program Director, Environmental Sustainability, in the Engineering Directorate, NSF
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Kathryn Hughes
Program Officer, Chemical Sciences and Technology at The National Academies, Washington D.C.

Jasleen Kaur
PhD Student, School of Informatics, Indiana University

Peter Meisen
President, the GENI Initiative, Global Energy Network Institute

Marina Moses
Science and Technology for Sustainability Program, Policy and Global Affairs Division, The National Academies

Marc A. Rosen
Professor, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
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Peter Schlosser
Associate Director and Director of Research, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, NY

Naoki Shibata
Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo

Al Teich
Director, Science & Policy Programs, AAAS

Rita Teutonico
Advisor for Integrative Activities,
Office of the Assistant Director,
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences,
National Science Foundation

Stephen Uzzo
VP of Science & Technology, New York Hall of Science
Interested But Cannot Attend:

Lynn Davis
Office of Scientific and Technical Information, USDOE

Robert Kates
University of Maine

Pamela A. Matson
Stanford University

Romain Murenzi
University of Maryland, AAAS-Center for Science, Technology, and Sustainable Development

Kasey White
Center for Science, Technology, and Congress, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Room blocks have been set aside for attendees of this workshop at the Hampton Inn Washington, DC - Convention Center
Google map
Hotel Address:
901 6th Street. NW
Washington, District of Columbia, USA 20001-2646
Tel: 1-202-842-2500
Map with the four venues: LINK
Recommended Reading
Simon A. Levin and William C. Clark (Eds.) (2009) Toward a Science of Sustainability. NSF Workshop Report.
Thomas E. Graedel and Ester van der Voet (Eds.) Linkages of Sustainability. MIT Press
Please contact Beth Works at 812/855.5120 or to make sure you get the special reservation rate for attending the workshop!
This workshop is co-sponsored by the AAAS Directorate for Science & Policy Programs and supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CBET-0831636 and the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at Indiana University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.