Current Team

Syd Overtoom
E-mail: ude.ui@ootrevos
Education: M.A. in Museum Studies from Indiana University Indianapolis 2022-2024 with a focus in museum education/programming and museum evaluation/visitor studies / B.A. in East Asian Studies with a Japanese Language and Culture focus from Indiana University Bloomington 2017-2021; completed minors in Gender Studies and Human Sexuality from IUB.
Background: Since 2017, I’ve worked or volunteered at non-profits in Bloomington, but my calling to the museum field came in 2019 when I was a docent for the Wylie House. Since then, I have been an education intern and volunteer for the Monroe County History Center, an education intern for University Collections at McCalla, a research and evaluation intern at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, and a smattering of other roles at Indianapolis museums and galleries while completing my master’s degree. What I bring to CNS is knowledge concerning where the museum field has been and where it is going with advancements in technology and heightened awareness of the social impact museums have on their communities, particularly in the U.S.A.
Personal: When not at work, I enjoy watching movies and tv shows with my family, our most recent favorites being Ted Lasso, Marvel movies like Deadpool and Wolverine, and Crime Scene Kitchen. I also enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction, and enjoy hiking in any season, but especially in the fall while in Indiana.