Current Team

Danial Qaurooni
E-mail: ude.ui@eueuqed
BSc, in Computer Engineering – Ferdowsi University, Mashad, Iran (2008)
MSc, in Computer Science - Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2012)
PhD, Double Major in Informatics and Cognitive Science - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (2022)
I come from a Computer Science background but I have become increasingly interested in design research and anthropology of technology. My dissertation was an ethnographic study of the Food Computer (2015-2020), a design project at the MIT Media Lab. At CNS, my main focus will be design research re HuBMAP and the associated projects. Using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods, my goal is to bridge the technical with the social and generate practical insights that can inform the design process.
Danial Qaurooni's website:
I spend most of my free time with friends and family. But I also walk around a lot (sometimes with a camera), and I enjoy learning languages and going on hikes. My favorite places in Bloomington are the IUCinema and Griffy Lake.