Web of Science as a Research Dataset
November 14-15, 2016
Meeting Place:
Social Science
Research Commons (SSRC), Indiana University
Woodburn Hall, Room 200
1100 East Seventh Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
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Katy Börner
Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center
Curator, Mapping Science Exhibit
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University, Bloomington

Eamon Duede
Executive Director
Knowledge Lab
University of Chicago

James Pringle
Head of Industry Development
Clarivate Analytics
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This workshop brings together data scientists and data stewards from research centers that are using the Web of Science™ at scale. We will explore WoS from the perspective of a research dataset and work together on practical ways to better support our research in the future. While the main focus will be on the Web of Science, the results should be extensible to all similar metadata aggregations. This unique focus—bringing data stewards and data scientists from these centers together to work on shared needs in tandem with the Web of Science team—will enable us to redefine and fully repurpose WoS to fit our research goals. We intend to launch an ongoing community in which we will learn techniques and develop tools to improve the data that underlies our research.
Advance Preparations
- Data stewards will provide a short profile of how WoS as a dataset is being implemented in the context of their research center/university and the technical, content, and other challenges they are facing.
- Researcher data scientists will prepare a short profile of current research projects leveraging the WoS dataset, focusing on key challenges such as linking, disambiguating, mining, etc. that, if solved, would offer greater research opportunities.
Monday, November 14, 2016
12:00pm | Arrival, Light Lunch |
12:30pm | Welcome and Introductions |
1:00pm | Session 1: Web of Science “Outside the Box” Facilitator: Katy Börner The Web of Science and similar metadata datasets are housed, maintained, and enhanced in local institutional enclaves. This session looks at how data scientists and managers set up the WoS dataset in an enclave, disambiguate the data (names, institutions, and geolocations), link it to other datasets, and build predictive models.
2:00pm | Wrap Up: Discussion will focus on identifying key data challenges in these areas. |
2:30pm | Break |
3:00pm | Session 2: Breakthrough Research Facilitator: Eamon Duede A “lightning round” look at examples of new questions asked and answered in recent research across network science, science of science, scientometrics, and science policy. We will explore how WoS and related large-scale datasets enabled these new questions to be addressed and whether enhancements to the dataset could have better supported the research. |
2:00pm | Wrap Up: Discussion will focus on identifying key data challenges in these areas. |
4:30pm | Day 2 Preparation: Establish “big questions” for the breakout teams. Set up for hackathon. |
5:00pm | Adjourn |
6:30pm |
Dinner |
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
8:00am | Breakfast, Initial Breakout Team Meetings |
9:00am |
Session 3: Understanding Web of Science as Research Data Facilitator: Jason RollinsFor over 50 years, the Web of Science evolved as a dataset in response to changing research contexts and priorities. Today, more researchers are using the Web of Science “at scale” to ask and answer powerful new questions about the shape, dynamics, and veracity of science and scholarship. The Web of Science now appears both an object of inquiry its own right and a vast sensor network for discerning large-scale trends. What is changing in this dataset to support these new uses, and what could change further? Presentations and discussion led by Clarivate Analytics team.
10:30am | Break |
11:00am |
Session 4: Hackathon Breakout Sessions
12:00pm | Working Lunch |
3:00pm | Group Discussion Facilitators: Katy Börner, Eamon Duede, and Jim Pringle Group Discussion: Lessons, and results. What kind of community should we be? |
4:00pm | Wrap-up |
Invited Participants

Titipat Achakulvisut
PhD candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University

YY Ahn
Assistant Professor
Indiana University

Yadu Babuji
Chief Infrastructure Wizard
Computation Institute
University of Chicago

Linge Bai
Senior Data Scientist
Clarivate Analytics

Brenda Betancourt
Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Science
Duke University

Sebastien Brien
Chief Analytics Officer
Clarivate Analytics

Grégoire Côté

James Evans
Professor of Sociology
University of Chicago

Diego Fregolente
Postdoctoral Fellow
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems [NICO]

Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University

Junming Huang
Postdoctoral research associate
Northeastern University

Matt Hutchinson
Data Manager
Network Science Institute
Indiana University

Ted Lawless
Solutions Specialist
Clarivate Analytics

Robert Light
Senior Systems Analyst, Database Administrator
Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science (CNS) Center
Indiana University, Bloomington

Lu Liu
Graduate Student
College of Information, Science & Technology
Pennsylvania State University

Jared Lorince
Postdoctoral Fellow
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems [NICO]

Patricia L. Mabry
Executive Director and Senior Research Scientist
Network Science Institute

Helge Marahrens
Graduate Student, Sociology Department
Indiana University, Bloomington

Fil Menczer
Professor of Informatics & Computer Science
Director of The Center for Complex Networks & Systems Research (CNetS)
Indiana University, Bloomington

Staša Milojević
Associate Professor of Informatics
Indiana University

Nicholas Monath
MS/PhD Student
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Hao Peng
Graduate Student
Indiana University

Orion Penner
Postdoctoral Researcher
Chair of Innovation and IP Policy

Valentin Pentchev
Director of Information Technology
Network Science Institute
Indiana University, Bloomington

Adam Ploszaj
Assistant professor, Centre for European Regional & Local Studies EUROREG, University of Warsaw & Visiting professor at Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science (CNS) Center
Indiana University, Bloomington

Jason Rollins
Senior Director of Innovation
Clarivate Analytics

Matthew B. Ross
Ohio State University

Johanna Salazar
Assistant Director of The Johnson Center for Innovation and Translational Research
College of Arts & Sciences
Indiana University, Bloomington

Christian Schulz
ETH Zurich

Ben Serrette
Web Developer
Network Science Institute
Indiana University, Bloomington

Aditya Tandon
Graduate Student
The Center for Complex Networks & Systems Research (CNetS)
Indiana University, Bloomington

Vetle I. Torvik
Assistant Professor
School of Information Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Brian Uzzi
Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership & Organizational Change
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University

Emmanuel Thiveaud
VP, Research Analytics
Clarivate Analytics

Dashun Wang
Associate Professor of Management & Organizations
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University

Bruce Weinberg
Professor of Economics
Ohio State University, IZA, & NBER

Ian Wesley-Smith
PhD Student
University of Washington

Jevin West
University of Washington

Xiaoran Yan
Research Scientist
Network Science Institute
Indiana University, Bloomington

Ewa Zegler-Poleska
Information Science PhD student
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University, Bloomington

Sifan Zhou
Postdoctoral Fellow
Harvard University
Interested but could not attend.

Patricia Brennan
VP, Technology & Platform Product Management
Clarivate Analytics

Fil Menczer
Professor of Informatics & Computer Science
Director of The Center for Complex Networks & Systems Research (CNetS)
Indiana University, Bloomington

Tim Slaper
Director of Economic Analysis
Indiana Business Research Center
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University, Bloomington

Aditya Tandon
Graduate Student
The Center for Complex Networks & Systems Research (CNetS)
Indiana University, Bloomington
This effort is supported by Clarivate Analytics, the Knowledge Lab at the University of Chicago, the Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI), and the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at Indiana University.