Paper accepted at ACM Digital Libraries 2000.
Extracting and Visualizing Semantic
in Retrieval Results for Browsing
Katy Börner
Indiana University, School of Library
and Information Science
10th Street & Jordan Avenue, Main
Library 019
Bloomington, IN. 47405 USA
The paper introduces an approach that
organizes retrieval results semantically and displays them spatially for
browsing. Latent Semantic Analysis as well as cluster techniques are applied
for semantic data analysis. A modified Boltzman algorithm is used to layout
documents in a two-dimensional space for interactive exploration. The approach
was implemented to visualize retrieval results from two different databases:
the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Dido Image Bank.
This page contains colored, full-size versions
of paper Figures 1 and 2.
Click here
to retrieve the 2-page version of this paper.
Click here
to retrieve an extended version.
Figure 1: Java Interface to DAIV188
(click for larger image)
Figure 2: The MONET Cluster
for larger image)
Last modified: 03/06/2000